How your media buyer and creative strategist roles should work together

Not many brands realize this, but your paid social advertising team needs both a creative strategist and a media buyer.


Because success on paid social platforms depends on creating strategic ad creatives.

And while your data-driven paid media specialists can handle the accounts, you also need a creative strategist who develops and spots new creative testing opportunities.

In smaller businesses, these roles often overlap. It’s usually the media buyer who acts as a creative strategist.

But as your brand grows, media buying and creative strategy really should separate into two different roles.

Here’s the role breakdown

What should media buyer do?

The media buyer role focuses on distributing the ad creative, and attributing the conversions to the creatives. They deal with all the data in the platform.

What should creative strategist do?

Creative strategist researches, plans, and executes creative tests, whether that be iterations or new concepts.

How do these key players work together?

Media buyers should gather all the data, and present the learnings from old creative tests to the creative strategy team.

Then creative strategists should come up with new creative tests, taking in all of the data presented to them by the media buyer.

Bottom line

It’s as simple as that! As you continue to grow your brand, these roles will become more nuanced.

Happy managing!

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