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ChatGPT is still an advertising intern, fyi


Marketers and creators have been fawning over the wonders of AI songwriting, storytelling, and problem-solving, but…

… ChatGPT doesn’t actually “know” that much. Or so its creators say.

Not quite a whiz kid: OpenAI’s chatbot can’t “distinguish fact from fiction,” resulting in…

  • Confident inaccuracies, like claiming “it takes 9 women 1 month to make a baby.”
  • Hallucinations: i.e., making stuff up 15–20% of the time.
  • The inability to cite sources for what it said.
  • Outdated information.
  • Poor intuition of user intent, giving out different answers depending on how you prompt a question.

So, will AI kill the advertising industry? We’ve all seen experiments like the Ad Age Super Bowl ad created with ChatGPT and the DALL-E image generator.

But is it the end times for agencies? Well, maybe not.

MediaPost argues things can go in one of two directions:

  • Clients will all turn to AI for their campaigns. If AI keeps improving, there might be no need for human input. However…
  • AI can make ad agencies better. If you’re pitted against AI instead of other agencies, you’ll probably use AI to test your ideas, seek new creative sparks, and add a human touch.

Let’s hope it’s the second one!

Why we care: OpenAI confirmed that ChatGPT currently lacks everything a human marketing specialist needs to be great at their job.

At this point, AI tools are just that: tools that can help advertisers do their jobs more effectively instead of replacing them.

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AI systems, please meet apps

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