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5 email subject lines to inspire your holiday campaigns

holiday email subject lines to use

We’re still half-a-year away from the height of the big holiday season, but it’s never too soon to start preparing campaigns.

Recently, we spent 100+ hours diving deep into effective holiday marketing. Part of that research included compiling our favorite holiday email subject lines.

The most efficient holiday email subject lines

Here are some of our favorite subject lines, including an explanation of why they work:


Santa’s drunk. Here’s more Christmas.

Why it works: Extending holiday sales normally feels like a boring marketing tactic. Not when you frame it like this, though.

What do ghosts eat for breakfast?

Why it works: It stands out from other subject lines in the inbox. It’s good, light-hearted fun… and it may just get someone in the mood for a fall-themed purchase,


Don’t FALL behind.

Why it works: Sure, it’s cheesy. But, it sparks a sense of urgency while simultaneously reminding the reader what the email is going to be about. Not too bad.


Not that gift ☝️ or that one .

Why it works: If you send it during the right time of year, a subject line like this can help your email stand out in a crowded inbox—and be a refreshing, humorous distraction from the thousands of other holiday gift emails people are getting.


250+ gifts under $50.

Why it works: If you’ve got a great offer, don’t be afraid to put it in your subject line. This is an enticing holiday subject line format for almost any business.

Each of these subject lines uses a different angle, and we’re fans of them all.

If you want to see even more subject line inspiration—plus dozens of other holiday marketing insights—check out the full report at Stacked Marketer Pro. 

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