How to add gamification to your website?

Who doesn’t like a bit of friendly competition? 

One member of The Crew loves to do Yoga, and found a studio that gives her points for every class she attends. 

These points are redeemable for things like discounts on the studio membership, or a free workshop class. 

And guess what? She’s never considered going to any other studio since. 

That’s the power of gamification.

What is gamification?

Gamification means you add particular activities to your online or offline store that will turn shopping into a playful, enjoyable game.

You’ve probably seen e-commerce stores adding “wheels of fortune” or something similar.

It helps you foster loyalty, and it keeps your customers wanting more. 

How to gamify your website?

Here are four easy ways. 

  • Add a progress bar. Have they earned free shipping yet? What if they’ve unlocked a secret free gift? Tell your customers how much more they need to add to the cart to unlock the perks
  • Give out points. Made a purchase? That’s 10 points. Referred a friend? That’s 15. Left a review? That’s 5. And what happens when they collect 30 points? They get free shipping or a free gift.
  • Hide easter eggs in your storefront. Let’s say you run a makeup store. Place a lipstick icon in a weird position. If your users click on it, they get a free trial of that lipstick with their next order. They’re going to spend hours on your website or app finding these hidden gems.
  • Let them have a say. Stuck between two product launches… and want to launch the one customers actually want? Create a voting poll on your website or app. Customers will feel like you care about their voices, and they’ll also be able to exercise their opinion. It’ll keep people coming back! 

The best part of it all?

If you create a daily or weekly schedule for these little “games,” it’ll keep your customers coming back to participate. 

Give this a try and let us know how it goes!

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