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Psychology of Marketing

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How Stacked Marketer writes a good newsletter sponsor copy

As you’ve probably noticed, this newsletter makes most of its money from sponsors. 

Companies pay good money to feature their products because you, dear reader, are an up-to-date marketer who might be interested in trying out a new tool or two.

We recently broke down the performance of ads featured in this newsletter in 2022.

The Do’s Of Writing Good Sponsored Copy

Here are some of the data-backed copywriting insights we learned:

Give away something for free

Sponsored posts with lead magnets of some kind outperformed those without.

Just make sure the lead magnet is actually valuable.

Use numbers in your headlines

Headlines with numbers in them do extremely well. But, only use numbers if you have something novel and exciting.

Don’t use them just for the sake of it.

Write curiosity-driven headlines

Tease the content to come, but don’t reveal it all at once.

A headline like “These 4 products are going viral on TikTok” works because it begs the question, “what products?” 


Use proof

A line like “learn content strategy from the TikTok creator who gained 1.5M followers” works because there’s solid evidence and authority behind the intrigue.

Those are the insights.

The dont’s of writing sponsored copy

As far as what not to do…

Try to avoid using the name of your brand in the headline

This is more specific to copy that’s being shown in an organic setting like a newsletter… not copy that’s being shown on your site.

Try to avoid vague promises and statements

There’s a difference between a cliffhanger and a statement that’s so vague, people don’t know what to expect. The latter tends to perform worse.

If you enjoy copywriting insights like this one, sign up for Stacked Marketer Pro and check out the Landing Page Copywriting Deep Dive. It’s our comprehensive guide to writing high-converting pages—and it will help you increase sales and look like a genius at work. 


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