Why you should avoid relying on copywriting frameworks

Trying to escape content about copywriting frameworks is like trying to run from Michael Myers:

You’re probably not getting away forever.

And while many copywriting frameworks are genuinely useful, the copywriters on The Crew have noticed a major flaw: 

If you rely on frameworks all the time, you can stifle your own creativity—and even the effectiveness of your copy over time.

Why you shouldn’t rely on copywriting frameworks?

 A copywriting framework is like a skeleton. It provides form and structure, but you don’t want to draw attention to it. 

Forcing your copy into a framework turns it into a dry and bony template, rather than a natural, living, breathing sales argument.

And for your audience, it can make your copy feel like just another promotion, rather than an emotionally moving or thought-provoking experience.

A copy framework tactic to use instead

With that in mind, here’s a tactic to try the next time you write copy:

  1. Write a draft first without referencing your favorite frameworks. 
  2. Then compare it to frameworks. Figure out which framework fits the best, and refine your copy from there.

In other words, don’t force yourself to commit to some LinkedIn copywriting framework before you’ve even given your brain a chance to wander and reflect.

Bottom line

You’re smart, and your brain deserves room to be creative.

And your audience deserves to be surprised.

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