Why building in public might be your best idea yet

building in public

“Build in public.”

Everyone says it, but few do it… probably because building in public comes with obvious consequences (more on that another day). 

But for now, here’s why you might want to build in public, based on observations from our own experience at Stacked Marketer.

Why you should try to build in public?

Or better, why listen to us?

For the most part, we built Stacked Marketer in public. 

We’ve been transparent about subscriber counts, open rates, new product experiments, our hiring process, our team’s internal communications flow, and more.

Why you might love building in public

Here’s what we found.

You’ll get more exposure in certain circles

Being open about your revenue, user numbers, and other metrics can help you gain traction with content. This attracts attention, especially from fellow builders. It can also help with growth.


You’ll get more feedback

If you explain to the world what you’re doing, they might tell you why you’re wrong—and that could be just the thing you need to upgrade your strategy.

Building in public opens your work to criticism, which can be helpful as long as it’s coming from the right people.


You’ll build a closer connection with your audience

It’s easier to win loyal supporters if they feel like you’re transparent and open with them. There’s a chance that, if we weren’t so transparent, Stacked Marketer might not have gained as many loyal readers.


You’ll earn more authority with your audience and customers

Operating in the open tends to build more credibility than operating in the shadows. Depending on what your goal is, this can be good.

In summary?

If the things above sound good to you, consider building in public. It’s scary, but you can reap serious rewards. 

And, if you decide to go public, send us what you’re working on!


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