Why it matters where you get your readers?

quantity vs quality readers

We’ve advertised on lots of platforms throughout the years, particularly on Facebook and in other newsletters. 

Quantity vs quality readers explained

There’s a stark contrast between the two:

On Facebook, quantity is high—but quality is low.

Although our cost per acquisition on Facebook has often been lower than newsletter partnerships, the cost per engaged reader is much higher.

People coming from Facebook are less likely to be the type of people that enjoy Stacked Marketer.

With newsletters, quality is high—but quantity is low.

Newsletter partnerships don’t always net you hundreds or thousands of new readers.

And, there are only a limited number of relevant newsletters to advertise in.

But, when we have advertised in highly-relevant newsletters, we’ve seen an influx of readers who genuinely want to read the stuff we write.

The takeaway?

It matters where you get your readers. 

While it’s easy to say “Hey, a reader’s a reader,” it’s not really true. 

For us, partnering with other newsletters has been a more reliable source of readers who stay subscribed and read frequently.

It makes sense, too: If we advertise in another marketing newsletter, we’re getting people who are a) interested in marketing content, and b) already read newsletters.

The odds that a person coming from Facebook will be equally as interested in reading newsletters as someone we already know reads newsletters… 

Well, they just aren’t good odds.

Today’s insight

Keep an eye out for where your readers are coming from, and ask yourself what that source says about those readers. Are they really the type of people you want reading your content?

Happy writing—and marketing!

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